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The International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) presents the Phenomics Webinar 2021 – Season 1 on April 15th 2021 – “High-throughput estimates of the radiation interception and use efficiency in wheat crops” – By Dr. Frederic Baret, INRAe, France.


Biomass results from the accumulation of the assimilates produced by the photosynthesis. 

The efficiency with which the incoming radiation is transformed into biomass depends on two terms: the radiation interception efficiency (RIE) and the Radiation use efficiency (RUE). Its computation requires measurements or estimates of the total biomass, which currently is difficult to get accurately from high-throughput observations. This presentation draws the main advantages and limits of these techniques.

About the session

You can watch a pre-recorded presentation and join us for a live Q&A with the speaker on later. The pre-recorded part of the session is now online here:

To provide meaningful discussions in the Q&A with Dr. Baret, you can send them your questions and they will cover them during the Q&A on April 15th, 14:00CET.

Simply send them by mail:

More information on the event: