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IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Workshop: Plant Phenotyping with Minicomputers and Low-Cost Cameras

A short participative workshop oriented toward practical aspects of plant phenotyping with inexpensive, yet robust, minicomputers coupled with small cameras. Each important step, from system installation, network deploying, time-lapse acquisition, image processing, machine learning and data analysis will be illustrated with talks and hands-on.

The target audiences are tech-minded biologists and engineers in charge of phenotyping trials from academic or private companies.


Invited Speakers:

Noah FAHLGREN (Danforth center, USA),

Sotirios TSAFTARIS (Edinburg University, UK),

Sebastian SCHULTHEISS (Computomics, Germany),

Jean-Pierre DA COSTA (Agrosup Bordeaux, France),

Julia BUITINK (INRA, Angers, France)



Please register before 31st May 2021: 100 euros including coffee breaks, lunch, gala dinner, access to minicomputers, GPU programming station for machine learning, teaching material.

Registration at:


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