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IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Workshop: Plant Phenotyping with Minicomputers and Low-Cost Cameras

A short participative workshop oriented toward practical aspects of plant phenotyping with inexpensive, yet robust, minicomputers coupled with small cameras. Each important step, from system installation, network deploying, time-lapse acquisition, image processing, machine learning and data analysis will be illustrated with talks and hands-on. The target audiences are tech-minded biologists and engineers in charge of phenotyping…

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The International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) presents the Phenomics Webinar 2021 – Season 1 on April 15th 2021 – “High-throughput estimates of the radiation interception and use efficiency in wheat crops” – By Dr. Frederic Baret, INRAe, France.

Abstract Biomass results from the accumulation of the assimilates produced by the photosynthesis.  The efficiency with which the incoming radiation is transformed into biomass depends on two terms: the radiation interception efficiency (RIE) and the Radiation use efficiency (RUE). Its computation requires measurements or estimates of the total biomass, which currently is difficult to get…

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