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Photonics for plant phenotyping and disease control by Gerrit Polder

Dr Gerrit Polder will be present at the XX CIGR World Congress 2022, held on December 5th to 10th, 2022, at Kyoto International Conference Center, Japan.

He will present his work title ‘Photonics for plant phenotyping and disease control’ during the session OS-3. WG5: Image Analysis for Agricultural Processes and Products; VIII International Workshop on Image Processing and Spectroscopy in Agriculture.

Short description: Plant phenotyping is the science of characterizing crops to measure plant growth, architecture, and composition, including the existence of biotic and abiotic stresses, at different scales of organization, from organs to canopies. Photonics-based sensors can play a key role in plant phenotyping, be it through imaging, or a form of spectroscopy. Phenotypic information can be retrieved from images by means of image processing and computer vision algorithms, while information from spectroscopic data is typically extracted using chemometric methods. For measuring phenotypic traits that are clearly visible to the naked eye, color imaging is often suitable to extract the relevant plant features. When the goal is to measure phenotypic traits that are difficult or impossible to detect with the naked eye, photonics sensors may be used that can sense beyond the visible range (e.g. ultraviolet, infrared) and/or provide a higher spectral resolution than a three-channel color camera (e.g. spectral camera, spectrometer).


Dr Gerrit Polder is a Senior Scientist in Machine Vision and Phenotyping and an active researcher on the STARGATE project. His expertise is in the development and application of spectral imaging for early disease detection, measuring biochemicals in plants and plant phenotyping in general. With STARGATE is responsible for training and demonstration activities with respect to imaging.