Broadening the impact of epi-agri operational groups in the field of nutrient management: Knowledge exploitation and easy-to-understand material for farmers and practitioners [end: 31 Dec 2025] (
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![NUTRI-KNOW <p style='font-size:2px;'> </p><p><span style='color:#b7b7b7;font-size:14px; line-height:35% !important; padding-top:50px !important;'>Broadening the impact of epi-agri operational groups in the field of nutrient management: Knowledge exploitation and easy-to-understand material for farmers and practitioners [end: 31 Dec 2025] (</span></p>](
![NUTRI-KNOW <p style='font-size:2px;'> </p><p><span style='color:#b7b7b7;font-size:14px; line-height:35% !important; padding-top:50px !important;'>Broadening the impact of epi-agri operational groups in the field of nutrient management: Knowledge exploitation and easy-to-understand material for farmers and practitioners [end: 31 Dec 2025] (</span></p>](