WUR (The Netherlands)
Wageningen UR is the collaboration between Wageningen University and Wageningen Research (WR), the specialized former research institutes from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture. This combination of knowledge and experience enables Wageningen UR with its 5,600 staff and more than 8,500 students to contribute actively to solve scientific, social and commercial problems in the field of life sciences and natural resources. Stichting Wageningen Research (WR) conducts fundamental, application-oriented and applied research on healthy food and living environment in 9 research institutes and a range of expertise centres that work together with other national and international universities, research institutes and companies. WR has a strong network with industrial partners and academia, long-term relationships have generated an excellent track record in plant phenotyping with for instance fast 3D reconstruction of small and large plants in combination with robotics for the integration of automated phenotyping experiments.