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Sensors and data training towards high-performance agri-food systems

European Project

About the project

SSTARGATE is a European project (01/2021 – 12/2023) which addresses a key societal challenge: to evolve the agri-food system´s practice to promote more resilient and sustainable systems, starting from more resistant, nutritious and diverse crops at farm level, to guarantee safer, healthier and sustainable options for consumers.

The need for traceability throughout the entire chain and the meticulous control of the first step in the production chain, selecting and controlling the best crops, is a decisive approach to assure that premium food arrives to the consumer and to avoid high food losses.


Centre for Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry within the consortium

News and Events


Strengthen scientific excellence at CBQF

Strengthen scientific excellence at CBQF in the use of phenotyping, multi-omics, signal and image data management and analysis tools and development of predictive models for crop performance towards food chain decisions.


> 5 Workshops on selected scientific themes;
> 3 Training Schools;
> Train at least 20 ESRs from UCP and 10 ESRs of each partner via hands-on training in STSM (short-term scientific missions, empowering the future professionals in this emerging field.

Strengthen innovation capacity and interactions with industry

Strengthen innovation capacity and interactions with industry, promoting CBQF’s autonomy to collaborate with farmers and industry in this area, performing early stages monitoring of agri-food production systems to understand and improve performance in downstream steps of the food chain, promoting advanced innovation transferable to the agri-food sector.


> Dedicated STMS enabling staff and ESRs to implement techniques at UCP;
> Implementation of new techniques at UCP in real scenarios;
> Training in knowledge transfer skills;
> Mapping of key stakeholders at regional, national and European level;
> Increase number of collaborations with industry.

Boost competencies in research management

Boost competencies in research management, communication, and proposal preparation, to maximize the impact of CBQF’s activities and improve success in securing international funding.


> Workshop in research management, grant writing, knowledge transfer, and communication skills;
> STSMs for UCP staff on research management;
> Guidelines for the implementation of best practices on R&D&I management;
> Reinforce the capacity to secure international funding.

Establish the foundation for the STARGATE Knowledge Hub

Establish the foundation for the STARGATE Knowledge Hub in Portugal, bringing together transdisciplinary expertise, to exploit and realize the potential of sensor-based, signal, image, and multi-omics data, towards sustainable food systems, fostering innovation and partnerships with the private sector.


> Establish the STARGATE Knowledge Hub between the consortium and stakeholders that assure a complete representation of the agri-food system where the knowledge will impact;
> Create a webpage with information on competencies held and available technologies in the field;
> Organise one gaps mapping workshop with at least 15 farmers/industrial/retail stakeholders to ensure codesign of the Knowledge Hub structure and mission;
> Final Symposium - the innovation capacity within the STARGATE Knowledge Hub.


STARGATE will impact the agri-food sector actors, providing tools, training and guidelines, promoting a more resilient and efficient European food system.


Farmers, growers, associations, and sectorial group using tailored presentations, via social media, and incorporating their views in STARGATE will be set innovative predictive models and phenotyping techniques that can improve crop performance, resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses.

Agrofood Industry

Technology providers, services and logistics through tailored presentations, workshops, social media, will be acquired innovative predictive models and phenotyping techniques that can improve efficiency.


Research institutes and R&D companies through thematic workshops/ seminars, participation in conferences, scientific articles, reviews and other peer reviewed publications, will be set innovative technologies and modelling that can be taken up by the R&D&I institutions working in ICT, phenotyping.

Policy Makers

Regional, national and European Regulatory bodies will improve the economy of the region, create jobs and new business through innovations and new capacity adquired during the project.


General public audience through the publication of general articles and news via website and media, will be improved awareness of the impact of public funded research in agri-food and ICT.